
Siemens Leaf Handset – Blown Away

Siemens Leaf Handset

Siemens Leaf Handset

Ever since the environmental-friendly brigade got some serious backing and cash major corporations have been bending over backwards to please them and handset maker Siemens looks to be doing just that with this concept phone design it has commissioned from design firm Formwelt and Hans-Henning Brabänder.

Hans-Henning Brabänder has gone all out with the Siemens Leaf phone design including a futuristic looking hidden LED screen and a fetching White and green design (we all know that the eco-brigade love the color green).

The Gigaset Eco Vision phone is solar powered and made out of recyclable materials and even has and eco-index informing the user of how green the phone’s credentials are.

Made of recyclable plastic and ‘liquid wood’ the Siemens Leaf handset definitely looks like a phone for the future and if it ever goes into mass production GadgetHeat will be amongst the first to bring you a review.

Siemens Leaf Handset

Siemens Leaf Handset


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