
Hourglass Lantern – Lux Time – By Young Bok Kim



The sands of time are a fickle thing and now we find that the light of time isn’t much better either. The Hourglass Lantern Lamp

by designer Young Bok Kim uses LED lights to gauge the passing of time, slowly lighting up one chamber of the lantern whilst the other fades, giving the classic hourglass effect.

The Hourglass Lantern Lamp can be adjusted by twisting the two halves to slow or speed up the transition of light between chambers. All in all a cool effect and way better than getting sand all over your floor. The only drawback is that you cannot clearly discern when once chamber is about to fade out completely as you would be able to with sand.

Don’t bother asking when the Hourglass Lantern Lamp is going to get released. As with all concepts, hold your breath at your peril. If you can hit up designer Young Bok Kim with a couple of bucks I’m sure he could be persuaded though….





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