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2GB Wooden USB Stick With Post-it Notes » Super Practical

2gb-wooden-usb-stick with Post-it notes

2gb-wooden-usb-stick with Post-it notes

And the award for the most useful gadget of the year so far goes to the 2GB Wooden USB Stick with Post-it Notes. This is the height of practically for an office-desk warrior. It’s a tough trick to pull to be useful in both the on and off-line worlds but the 2GB Wooden USB Stick with Post-it Notes makes it look easy (the clothes-pin memory stick

tried the same trick but failed).

It’s so practical that you would have thought that somebody would have already come up with something like this but it looks like Japanese gadget procurers darumouse have got to it first. Nothing much more to it than the fact that its a wooden USB with the post-its attached. The only thing we’re not clear on (us not being able to speak Japanese and all) is whether you can replace the post-it notes when they run out.

At £21 we think it’s expensive for 2GB worth of USB

but if you want it you can grab the wooden USB Stick With Post-it notes from darumouse


2gb-wooden-usb-stick with Post-it notes

2gb-wooden-usb-stick with Post-it notes


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