
You call that a fridge? THIS is a fridge!

Fridge 1

Fridge 1

At the core of a family home lies the kitchen. Most innovations in home life and modern convenience can be found here. Highly efficient ovens replace dirty and time-consuming iron stoves whilst high tech appliances cater to almost any cooking need you might have. The most innovative piece of gear takes center stage in your kitchen; the mighty refrigerator. This single appliance has liberated man from many duties and is almost essential to modern life.

Built like a fridge.

The need to keep things cool has existed for as long as us humans have been storing food for later consumption. Less than two centuries ago an ‘icebox’ was a common household item. An icebox was essentially an insulated tub surrounded by ice. These manual devices where even called a refrigerator by people of this time and it aimed to keep food fresh for longer. 

The beginning on the 20th century saw the introduction of mechanical refrigerators for home use. Advancements In chemistry allowed cooling systems to be developed that would continuously keep the fridges sealed storage compartment at a desired temperature. The concepts that gave birth to these first units is still being used in modern fridges today. 

Fridges for everybody.

Mass production and cheap labor ensured that this miracle of science now sits in your kitchen. Cheap fridges are everywhere and come in all shapes and sizes. Even the smallest bar fridge will reliably keep your foodstuffs cold without ramping up your electricity bill. If you are in the market for a cheap fridge, check out Harvey Norman. 

I want more!

Small fridges are perfect for those with small spaces or small appetites. Keeping a small fridge cold requires less energy so they can be wallet friendly too. For those with big families you will need something that can supply the demand. A side by side fridge may just fit the bill. Side by side fridges have two externally opening doors so multiple people can easily access the internals of the fridge. A large capacity fridge will give you storage capacity to feed an army. 

Kitchen 1

Now that’s smart.

The fridge has come a long way since the early days of keeping it chilly. Modern fridges are efficient and versatile. A fridge can be a centerpiece, now it can hide in plain sight. For hose chasing a clean and minimal look, an integrated fridge can breathe new life into your kitchen. An integrated fridge is   fridge that is built into your kitchen cabinets, it is designed to be thermally efficient whilst been tucked away.

For the trail blazer, fridges are available with smart technology. A smart fridge can act like your personal assistant and provide you with news and weather updates. Some models can even scan your fridge, asses its contents and prepare recipes based on those contents! If this wasn’t exciting enough, a smart fridge can alert you of low stock levels and even order more for you.

With many things in life, it’s possible for you to go all out when buying a new fridge. Its easy to read the stats and feature list and get caught up in perceived needs and wants.  For a single person or couple with a small fridge, look for a small conventional fridge with a 4 or above energy rating. 

If you need more space, more features or you simply want the best that life has to offer, a side by side or French door fridge is worth a look in. Harvey Norman stock a huge range of refrigerators so check out their website or visit your local store to see what the future or refrigeration looks like.

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