
Wallet MP3 Player With Retro Cassette Goren Design

The Cassette Wallet MP3 player from Walltex has been around for over a year but this latest incarnation features a cool cassette player design brought to us by Oren Reiss, the winner of the Goren Design award

The retro cassette design wallet MP3 Player comes with 4GB of flash memory, built in USB (both 2.0 and 1.1 compatible), Walltex connector and is allegedly unbreakable (but will it blend we wonder…). All this weighs in at only 20 grams and is in the well known wallet MP3 Player ultra-thin credit card shape.

The retro cassette design itself is rather chaotic if you ask me (and you did) as if it is trying a little too hard to be cool. Still it’s an award winning design so it must be good right? Right?

You can pick one up for around $55 from Waltext





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