Spirit of St. Louis iPod Boombox
We love a combination of the retro and modern so when we saw this Spirit of St. Louis iPod Boombox we just had to bring it to you.
It is essentially an i-Pod dock with extensive retro styling making it look like it is straight out of WW II and is in-fact designed to look just like the ones they used on the battlefield in those gory days.
The Spirit of St. Louis iPod Boombox has an aviation style design radio, alarm clock, CD player and iPod dock looks like an antique classic with all the modern functionality you could want.
It has a solid wood exterior exterior and metal finish on the handles and hinges making it look like it would not be out of place on a CEO’s (or an army officer’s) desk.
You can pick up the Spirit of St. Louis i-Pod Boombox from spiritofstlouis.co.uk
for about $600 (£299.99).