
100 EntreCard Credits Free!

Ok, the last competition

wasn’t much of a success, it garned a lot of interest but not much else so we decided to raise the stakes! Sames rules as last time except this time we’ll give you 100 EntreCard Credits rather than 50. All you have to do is the following:

All you need to do to recieve your 50 100 EC credits is blog about abiding by the following rules:

  1. contain a link to

    using the anchor text ‘HDTV Reviews

    ‘ (note the space)

  2. Include either of these logos in the post

Thats it! You can say what you want about the blog (you don’t have to be nice lol) Once you’re done just post back here with your link to the post in order to recieve your 50 100 credits.

As extra icing on the cake you may have noticed is that I use the ‘you comment, I follow’ plugin so just by commeting you get a free back link – don’t say I never give you anything 😉

Get blogging – remember this isn’t a competition, it’s a giveaway!

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