The digital revolution has put a lot of information at your fingertips. With just a click of a button or the scroll of a screen, you can see what time it is in any location on Earth, what the weather is, if you need to bundle up, and what it is expected to be well into the following month. The harbinger of all this information is your smartphone or tablet, and the applications that they support see improvements practically every week. If there’s one small problem, it’s the sheer number of them that are available; the following article will help you shave this selection down to the very best options.
1. Storm Radar
The Storm Radar app, although it works adequately for displaying normal, everyday weather, is actually geared more towards inclement weather. Basically, this means the kind of weather for which you want to stay indoors — hurricanes, tornadoes, and serious thunderstorms. If you’re coastal, you can even benefit from tsunami warnings and the like.Since it doesn’t have any ads, it can be a convenient app that doesn’t waste your time.
2. Today Weather
At its inception in the year 2017, this app took the weather-prediction world by storm (pun intended). It corrected the lag issue that some of the other weather apps possess, by streamlining its processes and presenting the most relevant information on a clean and functional display screen. You can expect accurate forecasts, severe weather alerts, air quality information, sunrise/sunset times and even moon cycles. Perhaps you might even find utility with the radar function.
3. Google App
Google may be the simplest of the weather apps — but that doesn’t mean you should overlook it outright. It’s just one of the giant tech company’s many offerings, and is interactive in the sense that you use voice commands to get information on all kinds of weather concerns. It’s completely free, and almost always a part of any Android package.
4. NOAA Weather
It shouldn’t be a surprise that the National Weather Service has a very capable weather app. It as the standard stuff that the more robust ones possess, such as alerts for regular weather, radar, hourly alerts and even the ability to track weather conditions in several locations at once (by city or state). Curiously enough, this one does not offer the ability to receive alerts for severe weather.
5. Dark Sky
This app has bounced back from the time when it used to mandate subscriptions for access to its weather reporting service. Although still in effect as of early 2019, the Dark Sky app justifies this by offering a robust spate of weather reporting options — including updates by the minute. Unless you’re a tornado-chaser, this feature might be a bit much! Dark Sky is available on Android and Apple iOS.
6. MyRadar Weather Radar

If you are partial to animations, then give the MyRadar Weather Radar app a try. It shows weather movements such as rain heading towards your location. It is also one of the few “build-it” apps, in that the starting application is simple, but there are options that can be added to make it more robust — such as a hurricane tracker. Otherwise, use this one along with another weather app for a more complete experience.
7. 1Weather by OneLouder
Judging by the numbers, this is one of the most popular weather apps of all time. The design is a joy to behold, in the way it displays information. It is very customizable, too, with dozens of widgets to make for a complete weather prediction and understanding service. It supports more than two dozen languages, and only costs $1 to get rid of all adds..
8. Carrot Weather
Compared to the others, this weather app is relatively new to the scene. You can get temperatures by the hour, forecasts and, with a paid subscription, 70 weather widgets and counting. Currently, the price is for premium mode is fairly rock-bottom at $3.99 annually.
9. Awesome Weather by YoWindow
The adjective fits this app quite nicely; it’s definitely one of the upgraded apps that takes full advantage of the ability to swipe on the modern Smartphone. With a horizontal swipe, you can reveal loads of information — most importantly, the weather for your chosen city at that particular time of the day. It’s free to download, but if you want the premium version to unlock all of its attributes, it’ll set you back an inexpensive $2.99. This is a one-time payment.
10. AccuWeather
You’ve heard and seen the website; the app is a more compact version of this with mobile responsiveness. It’s definitely a good one, and has all the basics of weather prediction at your fingertips. Additionally, the AccuWeather app provides support for Android Wear, and offers multiple customizable widgets. Weather apps have never been so robust until now.