
Watchmen Xbox 360 » Pushing Silk Spectre II’s Buttons



The Watchmen Xbox 360 looks hawt. Admittedly, it’s just a skin and some gloss but still, it looks hawt. Come to think about it, the hotness of the Watchmen Xbox 360 probably has more to do with the picture of the Silk Spectre II more than anything else…

The limited edition (of course) Watchmen Xbox 360 is being given away in a competition by fresnobeehive so expect it on eBay any day now.

We have to say, the Watchmen Xbox 360 is striding ahead of the Red Resident Evil 5 Xbox 360

and even the Batman Dark Knight Xbox 360

in attractiveness. If we can get our hands on one for dirt cheap, you better believe we wouldn’t be giving it away….




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