
AT Last! – How To Get DVD onto your Sony NWZA818 / *A808 / A8* Series

You guys may recall a while back that I did a ‘How-to’ on getting DVD onto your iPhone

(or iWhatever). Well I got a lot of hits on people wanting to get DVD onto their SONY NWZA818 or any other SONY A8* /A80x Walkman.

After some research I got the answer folks and it’s easier than you think. Just follow these steps for your SONY NWZA818 / A8* /A80x DVD viewing pleasure.

  1. Download Handbrake from here

    and install on your machine (this is a windows guide by the way).

  2. Download and install the K-lite codec pack from here

    and install the DivX codec from here


  3. Startup Handbrake. Choose the encode option “mpeg 4?.
  4. Specifiy a maximum file of 500mb (can change this according to your preferenaces later but for now, just go with this).
  5. Specify 25 frames per second.
  6. Click start/ecode and away you go!

The SONY Image convertor may fail to recognise the output file produced but if you drag and drop from explorer into the videos folder of your SONY NWZA818 / A8* /A80x it will work fine.

Happy viewing and let me know if this guide was useful to you.

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