
White Cowon S9 Curve

White Cowon S9 Curve

White Cowon S9 Curve

The white Cowon S9 Curve has been unveiled for Korean buyers only which makes the rest of the world feel just great. However, seeing how unimpressive the Cowan S9

actually was when it was released last year, we’re not feeling to bitter that the white Cowon S9 Curve won’t be within our grasp just yet.

The good looks aside, the white Cowon S9 Curve is just like its black brother (^^) proving that we’re all the same on the inside (world peace and all that). Check out the glamour shots of the white Cowon S9 Curve below.

White Cowon S9 Curve 2

White Cowon S9 Curve 2

White Cowon S9 Curve 3

White Cowon S9 Curve 3

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