
What to Do When Viewing a House

There’s this low hum of excitement every time we look at a potential home.  Is this going to be the place where we live out our lives?  Are we going to plunge our financial future into these walls and floors?  It can be a hard call to make, especially since many people don’t know where to start when looking at homes.  Sure, the outside is pretty, but what if you’re missing something important?

Here are the top things to keep in mind when viewing homes; keeping a checklist can help!

Look At Outlets and Light Switches

One of the quickest ways to tell if a home was a rush build or if someone took the time to do it correctly is to look at the outlets and light switches.  Although you may think that it’s no big deal: if someone isn’t taking the time to ensure the electrical housing is put in incorrectly, you could be facing a house fire.  Don’t put your future at risk like this.

Turn lights off and on, see if they hum or flicker, and be sure that none of the switches click or zap you when you touch them.

Check For Cracks or Sags In Ceiling

Cracks in your ceiling can mean that your house is just settling, which is typical: but you should still keep an eye out for where it’s cracking and how severely.  Severe cracking can mean an issue with the foundation, and these cracks become a welcoming dark spot for mold and mildew.

Sags in ceilings can mean that they weren’t built well: or that there’s water damage.  Please pay attention to any strange curves or lines on the top that don’t feel normal, and follow up on them.  This will be caught in the inspection anyway, but it’s better to save yourself the trouble of getting that far if the roof might fall in.

Look At Plant Life Outside

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Are there a lot of trees and vine plants?  If so, how many are coming in contact with the roof?  These touchpoints may seem minimal, but they can allow rodents like rats in and increase your likelihood of an infestation of birds and bats.  If the inspection comes back clean of this wildlife, you must get these branches or trees cut away as soon as possible.

Consider If Your Things Would Fit

Would your possessions fit inside this home?  If not, are you capable of downsizing?  Some situations don’t allow for it, but in others, downsizing can come as a relief in the middle of too much space.  If the rooms are too small for your expanding family, be honest about it!  If they look too small now, they’re going to look even smaller once you move in.

Be Respectful, Even If It’s Not The Home For You

Although most homes you look at won’t be ‘the one’: you should be respectful of the homeowners if they’re there.  You may be stressing, thinking to yourself, ‘should I rent or buy a house,’ but they’re more than likely facing the stress of keeping the house presentable through staging, dealing with living in two places at once, and rushing to sell quickly. So be kind, thank them for their time, and move on if it’s not the house for you.

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