
DataWind PocketSurfer3


The PocketSurfer3 (preceded by the PocketSurfer1 and 2 of course), will have an officially release date in the UK and rumours (rumours we say) of a USA release date. The third-generation DataWind PocketSurfer comes in PocketSurfer3 and PocketSurfer3 Lite varieties. Both come with 30 hours of Internet access each month and feature a new touchpad to make for easy navigation alongside a generous 5-inch LCD display (noteably smaller than the Archos Mid


The PocketSurfer3 uses a GPRS connection and embedded SIM for mobile data access, with DataWind’s page compression system for speedier loading. Unfortunately there’s no support for streaming video such as YouTube, so you’re limited to static webpages on the 5-inch 640 x 240 display. The good news for cheapo’s is that there seems to be little discernable difference between the PocketSurfer3 and the PocketSurfer3 Lite. Both will be available from August, priced at £199.99 for the PocketSurfer3 and £159.99 for the PocketSurfer3 Lite.



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