
Touch Screen Rotary Phone » Retro Without The Aggro



The Touch Screen Rotary Phone should have been made a long time ago…but it hasn’t been. Mark Miller has done a great job of showing us how cool this concept could be and we’re sure it won’t be long before we see a fully fledged touch screen rotary phone just for the retro fans.

Back in the day, we had a real life rotary phone and dialling a number was a self-contained exercise in itself. You would start the dialling motion by placing a finger in the hole for each number then rotate until you could go no more. This would indicate that the digit had registered and you could move onto the next. Thinking about it brings me out in a sweat (imagine when you got a digit wrong and had to start all over again – the fun).

Still this Touch Screen Rotary Phone by Mark Miller has the right combination of old-school form with new school technology meaning that you can just brush your fingers across the backlit screen to dial. Caller-ID etc all included as standard, those old rotaries wouldn’t get a look-in if this concept

became a reality.






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