
Gamebone Pro « iPhone Control Pad

Gamebone Pro iPhone Control Pad

Gamebone Pro iPhone Control Pad

Having a control pad attached to the iPhone doesn’t seem the most practical of uses but heck, that’s not stopping the folks behind the Gamebone Pro from having a crack at bringing it to market. Connecting to the iPhone via Bluetooth, the Gamebone Pro is sure to make playing iPhone games easier but this is ignoring the fact that most iPhone games

are designed to take advantage of the iPhone’s accelerometer and a gamepad would be hard-pressed to fit into that model.

The makers of the Gamebone Pro obviously want this to be a cult movement by the people, for the people as they are asking users to suggest a market price for the Gamebone Pro when it hits the market come September. Seeing how gamers are notorious for downloading, hacking and basically modding their way out of paying for anything, I’m thinking that you could probably get your hands on a Gamebone Pro for around $5 when it is officially released.

Gamebone Pro iPhone Control Pad

Gamebone Pro iPhone Control Pad


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