
LG BL40 « Black Label LG Chocolate

LG BL40 Black Label LG Chocolate

LG BL40 Black Label LG Chocolate

The new LG Chocolate BL40 is sexy. Nay, it’s very sexy. We were all drooling over the HTC Hero

a few weeks back but this steps up the desirability factor by 10. The LG BL40 boasts A 4 inch (yes, 4inches) multi-touch screen cosseted under scratch resistant glass and an impressively thin chassis is just the tip of this handset’s chocolate covered iceberg.

This promo video showing off the LG BL40 Chocolate‘s wares is certainly impressive. What’s even more impressive is the 7.2Mbps HSDPA hiding under the bonnet (who needs 3GS?). Other notable specs are the Flash-based 3D UI, multitouch, AGPS, and WiFi. The new LG Chocolate BL40 also gets 5MP of camera love, Qwerty on-screen keyboard, a browser, Google Maps app, card-based contact system, scheduler and email application.

Release date for the LG BL40 Chocolate has yet to be made official but we’re reliably informed that ‘coming soon’ means August 2009. Video of the LG BL40 Chocolate in action below.

LG BL40 Black Label LG Chocolate

LG BL40 Black Label LG Chocolate


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