
Ultimate Bra Dryer » Gadgets For Girls (and little Boys)



All jokes aside, no, wait let’s snigger some more…… OK, all jokes aside, the Bra Dryer concept has some definite question marks as to whether or not it would actually be a useful gadget.

The Bra Dryer does exactly what you think it does i.e. dry bras (with a shape like that, it couldn’t be used for anything else could it? Could it?),. The question is, would you ladies actually need to use it (please tell us ladies, we promise we’ll be mature about this ^^). We didn’t think the wet bras were such a big problem….

The only really good thing we can think the Bra Dryer will do is protect your privacy. No more having your delicates hanging on the washing line for all and sundry to see. You can store the Bra Dryer in your laundry room and have it make your, er, puppy holders, toasty warm.

The Bra Dryer is just a concept

at the moment, we’re sure that many men would be interested if this one ever sees production (yes ladies, some of us are really that sad).








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