
Is Technology Changing the Way We Learn?

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Many of us will have experienced ways that technology has changed our lives from the simple availability of information via a smartphone to the ease of securing your home with smart home security features.  Technology and gadgets are also finding their way into the classroom and are forever changing how our kids will learn.  And businesses are finding new ways to use technology to teach employees and learn them new skills.

eLearning platforms

One of the big advances has been in the creation of specific eLearning platform software for different types of learning.  From those aimed at school kids or college age students through to those for people learning as part of their job, these comprehensive platforms incorporate a number of tools to help educators offer a new level of learning.  For businesses, these platforms offer organizational compliance benefits as well as workplace training to ensure all regulations are complied with.

Improved models and simulations

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Whether you are teaching school kids how a plant processes sunlight or a trained engineer how to use a new system, models and simulations are important to help visualize the topic.  And technology has definitely improved these with the ability to build presentations, visual representations and much more online.  Most of the software required to make these improvements are open source so educators can adjust this as needed for their subject.

Better assessment

Another faceted of eLearning platforms and other similar software is the ability to better assess the student during the course.  There are lots of ways that gadgets help with this and can even use platforms that turn smartphones into question and answer tools or to complete real-time assessments to see how learning is progressing.  Using these ongoing assessments via tech allows for a more relaxed style of judging the progress being made than formal tests, which often bring out the worst in people due to nerves.

Accommodate learning preferences

Using tech also allows educators to take into account learning preferences.  Some students prefer to read a book while others are more visual, preferring to watch video content or a presentation.  By being able to offer different styles of learning within a lesson, it is possible to accommodate many more learning preferences than the traditional model of teacher-led lessons where information is delivered in a single format to students.  This also works well for adult education as we tend to learn differently when we are older.

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